Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Shout outs

Everyone can see who donated to LLS on the donation page, but this is the only place I can give recognition to other generous supporters like:

Laura Lonneman, fabulous friend and neighbor, who bikes everywhere and has Her Mom who has a bike helmet she used like twice and decided she'd just prefer a different model, or something. So when Laura heard about this diabolical scheme of mine, she got her mom on board with a bike helmet donation. Thanks Laura and mom!

Dawn Zapinski, awesome BFF who sent me a hee-yuge gift certificate to Performance Bike, as a Christmas gift. This is awesome because I can use it for any and all things bike-related. Dawn always gives good gifts, but this one made me (literally) yelp with delight. Thanks, kasekuchen!

My mom, who gave me a hefty Visa gift card which she said was to go toward anything bike-related or as a donation to LLS, whichever I prefer. Which gets me all choked up because I know it's not like you're just rolling in cash, mom, so thank you thank you a thousand times and super-merry-awesome Christmas to you. Thank you.

My brother Dan and his wife Claudia, who stuck cash in a card for me to open on Christmas morning, telling me that it's to go toward a bike. They have also said they'll make a monthly donation on my fundraising page. "We'll keep with it as long as you do," said Dan. And that gets me even more choked up, because there's no reason in the world for anyone to have that much faith in me. And it's amazing and humbling, when someone spontaneously believes in you, and supports you without your even having to address their doubts first. Thanks, Dan. It really does make all the difference in the world, knowing you're behind me.

So, um yeah. now I'm all sniffly. Those were my wonderful Christmas gifts and, together with a $100 gift card that AHA (the company I work for, you know) gave to me, I have quite a pile of money. And you generous givers should know that ALL of these monetary gifts will be pooled together for the sole purpose of buying a bike. Because the bike I was going to use had been sitting in Dan's garage for ages and the local bike shop guy and I agreed that it really wasn't the right size for me (way too small) and the cost of fixing it up would be a couple hundred bucks that would be better spent going toward a better bike. So Claudia (it was her bike, which she never rode because it was never comfy) generously donated it to a charity. And I decided that it's time to go bike shopping.

It's bewildering, you know, the world of bikes. It's just like any sport, I suppose - there are a million details, products you never even suspected were out there, and everyone's got an expert opinion on each bit of ephemera. Makes it wildly intimidating for a beginner, but I've been reading up so I won't be entirely clueless. My niece Catie and nephew Buddy are coming for a visit tomorrow and we'll eat fabulous Mexican food and then head over to a bike shop and see what happens.

And I will of course report back. Merry Christmas!

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